find this picture of Daxon pretty hilarious. Oh YEAH he is going to town on his two middle fingers. This is how we find him at night when we go to check on him. Always the left hand and always the two middle fingers............
Someone should tell him that his thumb would taste much better!!!!
I keep trying to put his NA-NA in his mouth (Binky, pacifier whatever you call it at your house) but he is having none of it. He only wants his fingers.
I guess I deserve one finger/thumb sucker, right mom!!!
His next latest and greatest trick is one that I also perfected as a small infant on my fathers palm and all of my children have followed in my footsteps. I didn't think he would be able to do this as early as the others but he is always surprising us. I think it is going to give my neighbor a heart attack if she see this. She used to DIE when Kale used to do it to Addi and she was older than he is and hadn't had quite the obstacles he has had to overcome. Keep in mind he is only 2.5 months gestational age in this picture. 4.5 months birth age.Introducing the AMAZING DAXON KALE

YYYEEESSSS it's about time you had one that sucked SOMETHING other than a binky. Tell Kale this one is definetly not my fault. I also love the movie theater pics, it looks like Grant and Addi are watching a horror movie.
I want to EAT Daxon in these pictures!! His face is soooooo cute!!! What a big boy he is turning into! Sad we don't have our little preemie baby anymore! haha it really does look like Grant and Addi and watching a horror movie!
I LOVED it when Clark and Bella would stand in Ryan's hand. Yes, it did make many people nervous - including me at first, but they are just so cute!!
Hi Keri! He is too cute! He looks so much like Kai to me. Have all your kids done this standing thing? I have a memory of Kai doing it. Kale needs to join the Cirq...
Thats so CUTE!!
Loved seeing you guys! I truly am in LOVE with Dax. Send him my way anytime!
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