First this guy
Daxon Kale is the highlight of the family right now. Everyone is enjoying him so much. He is so cute and makes everyone crack up. He is a little monkey and loves to sit, crawl and pull himself up onto everything. He only sat still for one day once he learned how to sit and then it was off to the races, he has 3 other siblings to keep up with I guess. He loves to copy everything you do and his new tricks are clapping his hands when you say yeah!!!!! I think it is from him cheering at so many football games for his brothers. He loves to stick out his tongue and copy when you do it.
He has the most awesome mowhawk. He has only grown a strip of hair straight down the middle of his head. The mowhawk is in style right now so just go with it, right??? He is a monkey and loves to climb up everything and anything. This morning he was sitting in his highchair in the kitchen and it was pushed up against my back counter. I ran upstairs to change the laundry, when I came back down 5 minutes later and he had climbed out of the high chair over the back and is now sitting on the kitchen counter eating chocolate chip cookies that were sitting there. I almost died when I came down and found him. We were laughing so hard. That was this morning. This afternoon I let him crawl around and after about 5 minutes I couldn't find him I look all the way upstairs and he has crawled all the way upstairs and is in the middle of the hallway. I just can't believe he is already so big.
Here is a a small video of his latest achievements. Although it is only a few days old it is already outdated. He is going to look so funny walking around at 11 months old when he looks like he is 7 months old but it is only days away. He doesn't stay at one thing for long.
Little Miss Attitude got her self a haircut. She looks so old and sassy. My friend Darcee cut it so if anyone tells Addi her haircut is cute she says thanks DAWTHY cut it. It makes me sad that she is so old but she is
This girl is hilarious and keeps us all wondering what she is going to do next. She is turning into a really girlie girl now. She loves dance class, dressing up, playing dolls and everytime she gets dressed she asks me if she looks beautiful.
Grandpa came down and surprised the boys at their football games. He brought Shae with him and Kai was so excited to see him.
Notice the sweet hair style!!!!
I LOVE IT!!! It is about time, now you just need to keep me updated. It cracks me up that he has the little "suck in your bottom lip" smile:) Are you sure you didn't cut his hair like that because we all know that the Glazier family loves their mohawks, haha.
Oh my gosh!! Your kids are all so grown up! Daxon is such a cute little guy, I can't get over those blue eyes!
WOW! Where does the time go? How is Daxon already 11 months? That story about him on the counter eating cookies is hilarious!! He is such a cute little guy! Ok, little miss Addi is ADORABLE with her new haircut:) I miss seeing your cute family- we need to get together very soon!!
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