It has so far been a good experience. He is such a loving dog. He just pretty much wants to sit on your lap all day. If I even sit to tie a shoe he is on my lap all curled up. I go to stand up and he begrudgingly slides down my legs. Now I knew that having a dog was more the adults responsibility which is why it took us so long to get a dog, but no one told me I would have a shadow. For some reason the dog LOVES me. Every where I go he is right at my feet, if I step back I have to be careful not to step on him. If I go in the car he stands and gives me this sad look, like I can't believe you are leaving me here alone. SO of coarse I bend he rides on my lap in the car. I NEVER thought I would be a dog mom with a dog riding out the window of the car to pick the kids up from school. See what kids get you into. I do love the dog but he still smells like a dog and still has had some accidents in the house and I have to cart him around everywhere. I work two full days a week and he has to stay in his room while we are all gone, so the rest of the week I feel to guilty to make him stay in there long. I never thought I would ever say that.
The kids take him on a walk but he is more like a baby than a dog, they usually carry him around or drive him in their jeep or scooters.

He is scared to death of Addi. If she is even close he runs for his life!!!! Unless she happens to fall asleep on the couch. This may be the closest he has willingly gotten to her. She usually has him in a head lock and he is trying to escape. She loves having someone smaller than herself to boss around. She goes around saying "Pippen bad dog"!

Don't let Kale fool you he even lets him sit on his lap which he said he would NEVER DO!!

Pipen is cute! Yay for dogs!
My wife was looking at a blog and I walked by and saw your name as a blog link. I had her click on it because I know of no other Kale Glazier...and there you were. I thought I would say hello. Let me know how you are doing.
Your Former Mission Companion
Jake Walker
HAHA!! I was laughing so hard when i was reading though this whole thing! I thought it was pretty funny i could hear Addi saying "Pippen bad dog!!"
Well, Pippen will be so sad when his "MOM" leaves for Hawaii.. He will have no idea when hit him, when i come to town! Ha!
Oh you are so funny! That's a tag I won't be participating in! I won't say never but something pretty close to that! I am glad your kids love Pipen. My kids will probably have to wait until they have their own house to have a dog! I'm mean like that.
Oh yeah, way to go Pipen. I knew he would soften up Kale and Keri. The two the VOWED to never, ever have a dog and laughed at us for our pets. Hopefully Addi doesn't end up squishing him. He is a super cute little dog
why is your family so dang beautiful? it's just not fair.
we miss you guys so much.
my blog address is but be warned i'm no good at blogging.
send me your address
luv ya,
I found your blog, and am so glad I did! Your family is so dang cute: ) It's good to hear all is well in the Glazier household!
Your kids are so cute and are so big! I found your blog when I was blog stalking as Mary Jo calls it. :-) It has been a lot of fun seeing how your family is. I just set up a blog
My kids all want a dog but Kalei is kind of allergic to them, WHEW! Her allergies have saved me for now!
Cute dog! We also love our dog and although it's often hard to find a dog sitter-- that seems to be the hardest part about dog ownership for us. They are such loving little creatures!
Umm, my mom told me some exciting news last week... Exciting, but I know how terribly sick you get. I hope you are doing OK and that you can get through this. You're a very brave and loving person for making such a great sacrifice.
That comment ^ was Bree, not Colleen. Sorry about that!
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